The fundamental task of catechesis is to form disciples of Jesus Christ. Jesus instructed his disciples, prayed with them, showed them how to live and gave them his mission. Our Catholic faith must be known, celebrated, lived and expressed in prayer and works. The Faith and Life text used in our 1st - 6th grade program promotes the six tasks of catechesis outlined by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) and our own diocese of Raleigh curriculum guidelines. Integrating Scripture, tradition and the teachings of the Magisterium in the catechetical program assists the souls in our care to know, love and serve the Lord.
Saint Catherine of Siena offers faith formation opportunities for children ages K - 5th grade at several different times. Grade 1-5 sessions are on Sunday from 9:10-10:20 am and Wednesdays from 6:00-7:10 pm. The Sunday classes are arranged so that students may attend either the 8:00am or 10:30am Mass.
The Kindergarten program supports families in developing the Catholic Identity of their children. The program introduces the children to a beginning faith vocabulary where they celebrate simple rituals and traditions of the Catholic Faith. These experiences provide the basis for future catechesis in the Catholic Church and her Sacraments. The text that is used for this class is called Finding God.
The Elementary and Early Middle School Faith Formation program is structured on the text from the Faith and Life Series of Catechesis. The teachers or catechists are lay faithful parents who are trained both in the curriculum and in the process of assisting these young souls under the care of the Director of Faith Formation.
For more information, contact the Director of Faith Formation at the parish office at (919) 570-0070
This is a critical time in the life of a soul. It is a time of many transitions and a time where a young person searches and begins to locate truth. It is a time where friendships deepen and become important not just with peers but especially with God. It is a time where one's prayer becomes personal and a soul begins to converse with God. Youth Ministry seeks to help the young soul remain grounded amidst the many challenges of these transitions, to celebrate this time of life and most importantly to refine the skills of searching so that the soul continues its journey to the fullness of truth revealed in Jesus Christ. Paramount to this stage in their formation is a firm grounding in Prayer, Sacred Scripture, Moral Decision Making and the deep font of Holy Mother Church her Saints and Sacraments.
For more information on our middle school and high school programs, contact Ed Snyder, the Director of Youth at the parish office (919) 570-0070 x. 135.