The reception of Holy Communion for the first time is the greatest joy in the life of a soul. For this reason, it is called a "foretaste of heaven." First communion gives to a person, in the state of grace, an immediate union with God in a physical and sacramental way by receiving the very real presence, body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. The Eucharist nourishes the soul, strengthens it and orients it to know, love and serve God.
To prepare for First Communion, your child should come to class for two years, beginning in their 1st Grade year.
The First Year: Classes will cover the story of our Salvation and survey basic Catholic teachings
The Second Year: Classes are specifically directed to help your child understand the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist. During this year, your child will likely make their first Confession in the winter months and their First Communion in May.
During these years there are monthly parent meetings, days for parent/child activities, and days designated for Practice receiving the Sacraments.
In addition, the children have monthly Mass Participation Cards that are stamped at the end of Mass.
If you have an older child beginning this preparation, they should attend their appropriate grade level for year 1 and then they will join a group with like-aged children in year 2.
If your child is in Middle School or High School and needs to prepare for First Communion, please contact Ed Snyder to make a plan for their preparation. [email protected].